Menjadi org bawahan, mmg tak senang... (I repeat again, TAK SENANG). Always kene (kipas bontot) please org atas. betul ke? Kalu u all kate x betul, mmg maknenye u all x pernah jd org bawahan la tu... =p. Klu xpandai nak please org, u all akan dilabel mcm2...rite? rase kecil hati? iri hati? tidak pada sofi... sofi kdg2 try nak please everyone, but that is so not me.. Sofi rela diam & just do my work (even though kdg2 org lain yg dpt name atas keje yg sofi buat...) tapi sofi x bape nak kesah , as long as God knows what i'm doing... i'm not everyone's favourite & yet not hypocrite !

Sofi paling x suke org yg hypocrite.. Contoh, klu u x suke ape yg org ckp (esp. the superiors) , will just ikut ape yg they ckp or tunjuk u punye x suke tu? for me, i choose the 2nd answer... =)
There's no right or wrong here, tp please stands ur opinion... Jangan always jd "the follower"...cos at the end of the day, U yg akan sakit hati & bile dh tua, menyesal.... =)
Any of ur opinions about this matter is well appreciated... Sofi xkan membangkang...Just want to know ur opinions je.. Thanx..
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